Thursday, April 16, 2020

JFK Inaugural Address Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample

Alliterationâ€Å"Let us travel away to take the land we love. † Allusionâ€Å"I have sworn before you and all mighty God. † Personificationâ€Å"With history the concluding justice of our deeds† Metaphorâ€Å"We are the inheritors of the first revolution. † Hortative Sentenceâ€Å"So let us get down a new one†¦Ã¢â‚¬  PathosBased on the emotions of JFK. Accumulative Sentence But neither can two great and powerful groups of states take comfort†¦yet both rushing to change that unsure balance. Oxymoronâ€Å"But this peaceable revolution. † AntimetaboleAsk non what your state. . † Rhetorical Questionâ€Å"Will you fall ining in the historic attempt? † Archaic Dictionâ€Å"Beliefs for which our for bears fought are still at issue around the Earth. † Imageryâ€Å"The torch has been to a new coevals of Americans. † Ethos â€Å"The bid of Isaiah- to undo the heavy loads and allow the laden travel free. † Juxtapositionâ€Å"We are the inheritors of the revolution†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Periodic Sentenceâ€Å"To that universe assembly of autonomous states†¦ we renew our pledge of support† Inversionâ€Å"And so. We will write a custom essay sample on JFK Inaugural Address Analysis Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page my fellow Americans. . † Metonymyâ€Å"In your custodies. my fellow citizens. more so mine. will rest the concluding success of failure of our course† Antithesisâ€Å"We shall back up any friend. oppose any enemy. † Anaphoraâ€Å"Let both sides†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Zeugmaâ€Å"Now the cornet biddings again†¦ but a call to bear the load. † Asyndetonâ€Å"We shall pay any price†¦ oppose any for to guarantee the endurance and the success of autonomy. † Parallelismâ€Å"United there is a small we can non make in host concerted ventures divided there is small we can do†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Imperative Sentenceâ€Å"My fellow citizens of the world†¦ but what together we can make for the freedom of adult male. † Alliteration: When JFK uses initial rhyme he creates a beat with words. which in bends will refocus the audience. Allusion: JFK makes many scriptural allusions. which refers to his Catholic religion. Anaphoras: In paragraphs 14-17 JFK starts clause with â€Å"Let both sides†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The ground why he does this is to do a clear point. Antimetable: JFK uses this to make a different sentence structure. which puts the audience into deeper idea. Antithesis: JFK uses an antithesis to demo what he stands for and what he is against ; it makes it clear as H2O to his point of position. Archaic Enunciation: Using antediluvian enunciation can appeal to the â€Å"older generation† of people. Asyndeton: JFK doesn’t usage concurrences in some of his sentences because it creates an emotional entreaty the makes the audience listens to the complete sentence. Accumulative sentence: JFK doesn’t usage this every bit much as other rhetorical devices because of the length. but it is still a really effectual tool. Exhortative sentence: exhortatory sentences are clear and direct which is perfect in a Presidential address. Imperative Sentence. These are the opposite sentences to a exhortatory 1. which is good to utilize to loosen up the audience. Inversion: When used right these can be really powerful. Juxtaposition: Normally used to indicate out the two opposite powers. Metonymies: Not used really much in modern addresss but can frequently do the audience experience eye-to-eye with JFK. Oxymoron: JFK wrote. â€Å"But this peaceable revolution† . an oxymoron is an dry statement that some find amusing. Parallelism: Used even by high schoolers. this is an indispensable portion of ant all-around address. Periodic Sentence: The point of this is to construct up emotion until the last portion of the sentence where the chief thought sits. Personification: Gives inanimate objects human features. it builds up the intelligence of the author. Rhetorical Question: Used non merely by JFK but besides by every twenty-four hours people to give the audience something to inquiry while they listen. Zeugma: Uses the same word twice but with different significances both times.

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